Friday, October 21, 2011

Tomb Stone Kite

Tomb Stone Kite kings of the Kingdom of Pontianak was originally built by the First King (Sultan Syarief Abdurrachman Alqadrie) until the last king of this kingdom Pontianak Namely Sultan Hamid II. In addition it is also built by some of the royal family.Tomb Stone Kite is usually crowded, especially on the Great Day of Islam by the local community or even from districts that exist around West Kalimantan. Tomb Stone Layang is located approximately 2 kilometers from the Equator monument of West Kalimantan town of Pontianak.

The tomb complex in Batu Layang is also buried the empress and the prince of the Kingdom of Pontianak Sultanate. Tomb Stone Kite have been built since the reign of Sultan Sharif Alkadrie Abdurrahman (1771-1808 AD) the first king of this kingdom of Pontianak. The existence of the Tomb Stone Fly can not be separated from the establishment of Pontianak by Abdurrahman Alkadrie Syarief who later became its first king.

Mausoleum of Sultan Sharif Abd Alkadrie, founder Kadriah Pontianak Sultanate, looks to be central to the area
The tomb stone of this Kite. Mausoleum of Sultan Sharif Abd Alkadrie is located in the middle, straight to the road when the visitors will enter the cemetery complex. Mausoleum of Sultan Sharif Abd Alkadrie placed in a single room that is similar to a small bunker so that the visitors would enter the tomb must bow their heads. That is, with the intention that visitors who enter the Mausoleum of Sultan Sharif Abd Alkadrie pay homage to the Sultan Abdurrahman Sharif Alkadrie.

Most of the Tomb of the sultans in the Tomb Stone Kite headstone has the same color, the color of gold. In addition, the tombstones in the cemetery is also written in Arabic script which symbolizes that Kadriah Pontianak Sultanate Islam's breath. This is consistent with the history of the establishment by the Sultan of Pontianak Sultanate Kadriah Alkadrie Abdurrahman Sharif, who is a scholar of the area called Hadramaut, South Yemen. The combination of yellow (gold), which symbolizes the color of a typical Malay Arabic script combined with the nuances of Islam shows that Kadriah Pontianak Sultanate builds upon the mixing of cultures, at least dominated by the two cultures, namely Arabic and Malay.Reflection of cultural fusion was even brought in the form of gravestones and tombs at Batu Layang this. Outside the cemetery complex, looking mound of stone painted with the color green. This mound is called a Stone Fly. Near Batu Layang, there is a cannon that was painted in yellow.

Tomb Stone Kite is a cemetery for the sultan in Kadriah Pontianak Sultanate. This place is storing historical evidence of the greatness of the Sultanate and the forerunner to the establishment Kadriah Pontianak. Architecture (gravestone), which is a blend of Islam and Malay culture clearly visible in this tomb. The tomb of the sultan in Pontianak Sultanate Kadriah located in an area called the Stone Layang, located approximately 15 kilometers from the mouth of the River Kapuas or 2 kilometers from the Equator monument in Batu Layang, Pontianak.Pengunjung which will make pilgrimages to the Tomb Stone Layang no charge to enter. Tomb Stone Fly can be reached by car about 15 minutes from the Equator monument. Can also be reached by using the transport of water boat from the Port City of Pontianak with a rate of $ 10,000.00 each way.

Outside the cemetery complex, there is a mosque which can be used to pray at the same time praying for the souls of the sultan and the sultan's family have been buried in the Tomb of Stone Fly. Besides surau, around the tomb also contained small shops that provide a variety of foods and beverages to serve the visitors who want to eat and drink.

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